The world is progressing these days. There is hardly any sector in the world economy that is not contributing to mankind. However, with this fast progression, people ignore one of the most important things that could result from their sudden downfall. We are talking about Health. It is a factor that keeps us motivated and fit to keep working hard. Now, as to speak of healthy, the significant concerns related to Health are the lifestyle and diet of the people.
Having a poor diet and living an unhealthy lifestyle give rise to kidney problems. We will be discussing one such kidney problem that has become a significant concern these days. Millions of people suffer from Azotemia Kidney Disease. If you are new to this worry, don't worry as we will explain to you everything about Azotemia. Though allopathy has no cure for this disease, we will also explain to you how Azotemia Ayurvedic Treatment gives permanent and satisfying relief from the problem.
All about Azotemia!
Our kidneys are a vital organ in human anatomy. They are responsible for filtering out blood from toxins and waste substances that the body is no longer required. Kidneys have tiny blood vessels within them known as Glomeruli. These blood vessels have tiny filters that remove all kinds of impurities from the blood and take it to the kidney. However, in Azotemia, the kidneys get damaged due to a sudden injury and stop performing their functions. As a result, the Glomeruli are affected, leading to dysfunctional blood filtering by the filters. Hence, the blood keeps flowing with all kinds of toxins and waste compounds.
Types of Azotemia
Azotemia is diagnoses in three types. These are:
Prerenal Azotemia
Prerenal Azotemia is the most common type of Azotemia. In this condition, the fluids inside the kidneys do not flow in the required amount. It gives rise to the problem of low blood pressure that results in creating an excess quantity of Creatinine and Urea inside the blood.
There are various causes of Prerenal Azotemia Kidney Disease. Some of the major causes include:
Brain Hemorrhage
Burns in body
Extreme exposure to heat
History of vomiting
Heart Failure
Shock or Trauma
Blockages in blood vessels or arteries, etc.
Primary Renal Azotemia
Primary Renal Azotemia results in parenchymal kidney damage that leads to the problem of Uremia. In this condition, the patients experience sudden kidney failure and other severe kidney diseases, including glomerulonephritis.
There are various causative factors of Azotemia, some of which are mentioned below:
Renal Infection: Bacterial infection in the kidneys or kidneys can spread to the tubules that filter the blood resulting in this condition.
Vascular Disease: If a patient is suffering from any vascular disease, it can cause severe damage to the tissue present in the blood vessels (Glomeruli).
Heavy Medications: If patients take heavy doses of medications including cocaine, antibiotics, or painkillers, they become prone to Primary Azotemia.
Post renal Azotemia
Patients suffering from this type of Azotemia experience blockages that hamper the urine flow to the kidneys. Some of the significant causes of Post renal Azotemia include:
Urinary Catheter
Enlargement of Prostate
Prostate Cancer
Kidney Stones
Frequent Tumors, etc.
Since we have discussed the types and significant causes of Azotemia, it is time to understand the symptoms or signs of Azotemia. Knowing and understanding these symptoms would help to consult a medical professional before the condition becomes much more severe.
Symptoms of Azotemia Kidney Disease
If you experience or feel any of these symptoms, it might indicate Azotemia. The symptoms are:
Lack of concentration
Pale or Dull Skin
Fall in urine output
Feeling thirsty
Inflammation in different body parts
Rapid pulse rate
Uremic Frost
Fall in appetite
Acute Kidney Disease
Dehydration, etc.
Despite the type and nature of symptoms, taking Ayurvedic treatment for Azotemia can help you recover from all these symptoms and this disease permanently. We will be discussing the Ayurvedic treatment for this disease in detail towards the end of this article.
Complications Associated With Azotemia
Now you must have understood all major things about Azotemia. So far, we have discussed its types, causes, and possible symptoms. However, you must also understand the severity of this disease. Azotemia should never be taken lightly. It is among these conditions that could result in severe complications, some of which are even deadly.
There are various risk factors associated with Azotemia. Some of these are:
Sudden Heart Failure
Renal Failure
Blockages in nerves, etc.
The Diagnosis
Once you visit a doctor with any of the symptoms mentioned above, there are mainly two tests that you will be asked to do. These are:
Blood Test: It will tell whether the blood has impurities and waste compounds
Urine Test: It will test if your urine has blood cells or creatinine in high amounts
Treatments Available for Azotemia Kidney Disease
Before getting to the Ayurvedic Treatment part, it is essential for you to understand why allopathic treatment for this disease is not preferred. In allopathy, the doctors have medicines that give relief from the symptoms of the problem but do not offer a cure for the root cause of the problem. When it comes to Kidney Diseases, allopathy has no major cure for the disease.
All the patients suffering from any kidney disease, including Azotemia, are only advised for complicated procedures like Kidney Dialysis or Kidney Transplant. However, both these procedures often result in other complications. If we discuss the facts, 99% of the patients who go through Kidney Transplants again start experiencing the same problem after five to ten years of operation. As a result, they are again advised to go through Kidney Dialysis.
But Ayurveda offers a whole new and better treatment to all the kidney patients suffering from Azotemia. According to the Ayurvedic experts, Azotemia results because of a defect in three energies, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. All these energies together contribute to damaging the kidneys. But with Azotemia Ayurvedic Treatment, all these things can be cured.
Ayurveda creates medicines from herbs and plants with medicinal qualities. Apart from that, Ayurvedic experts also focus on the diet and lifestyle of the patients as these two things are major causes of most kidney diseases. Thus taking Ayurvedic treatment not just heals your kidneys but also makes improves your metabolism.